home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Program CombineFiles;
- {$R-} { Turn off range checking }
- {$S+} { Turn on Segmentation }
- {$I-} { Turn off I/O error checking }
- {$B+} { Set bundle bit (for icon, etc.) }
- {$R Katharine:CompileFile.Rsrc}
- {$T APPLMSK^} { Set application ID }
- {$U-}
- uses Memtypes,QuickDraw,OSIntf,ToolIntf,Pasinout,PasConsole,PackIntf;
- Function Meow(theRes: Integer; theIndex: Integer) : String;
- var TempStr : Str255;
- Begin
- GetIndString(TempStr,theRes,theIndex);
- Meow := TempStr;
- end;
- Procedure Launchit (mode : integer;
- fName : STR255);
- $204F, $A9F2;
- Procedure CombineFiles;
- Type MsgType = Array[1..920] of signedbyte;
- Var TheFile : MsgType;
- InFile : File of MsgType;
- OutFile : File of MsgType;
- FileSect : Byte;
- FileCount : Longint;
- Begin
- FileType := 'FSEC'; FileCreator := 'MSK^';
- ReWrite(OutFile,Meow(130,2));
- For FileSect := 1 to 100 do begin
- If Length(Meow(129,FileSect)) >0 then begin
- Writeln('Working on ',Meow(129,FileSect),'.');
- Reset(InFile,Meow(129,FileSect));
- Repeat
- If not Eof(InFile) then begin
- Read(InFile,TheFile);
- Write(OutFile,TheFile);
- FileCount := FileCount +1;
- end;
- Until eof(InFile);
- Close(InFile);
- end;
- end;
- Close(OutFile);
- end;
- Begin
- Writeln('Combine File Section v1.0 by Mark Kupferman');
- Writeln;
- CombineFiles;
- Launchit(0,Meow(130,1));
- end.